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School and College Sponsorships

Since 2008, Nagarhope have sponsored children at various levels in both government and private schools in the Nagarkot, Bhaktapur and Teku, Kathmandu areas. Over 300 children have benefitted from this scholarship scheme. The majority of children sponsored are referred to us by the school itself, by the local authorities or by another organisation that may work in a different field.

Not every child we sponsor will finish school, not every child has the ability or family support to buck the trend and become a success against the odds. But many have made the difference through self determination and hard work.

There are many factors which contribute to success, the parents, the school, the quality of education, the support from an organisation, the home environment, whether the student has chores in the family home, on the farm or elsewhere. But more often than not, a child who has the will to succeed, a child who has hopes and dreams and self-belief will be the one that will buck the trend.

Private institutions charge high enough fees, as opposed to government schools which are for the most part state sponsored. But there lies a large gulf in the standard of education between the two types of institutions. The pass rate for school leavers in government schools in Nepal is barely over 20% each year.

College Assistance Program

Our college assistance program assists students at Higher Secondary Level. Since 2009, Nagarhope has aided over 50 students in various colleges and Higher Secondary Schools, predominantly in the Bhaktapur area, and some in Lalitpur, Kathmandu and Kavre districts.

Usually, Nagarhope assists students at admission time, when the bulk of the yearly fees are due up front, students and their families cover the monthly costs thereafter. A Higher Secondary Scholarship lasts for 2 years (Class 11 & 12) and subjects on offer are Management, Science, Education, Arts and Humanities.

Not many of the students we have assisted have the financial capability on their own to pursue Higher Studies, even less so in the case that they have what it takes to go on and do a Bachelor in their respective field. A select few have been chosen and assisted over the years for Bachelor Level.